MC David Brown
“There are few people in this world that you meet for the first time that make you feel like you have met your best friend; David Brown is that kind of person. He is warm, positive and delivers an energy that simply makes everyone in the room HAPPY! He is an incredible human being and one of the best entertainers I have ever experienced, a truly Awesome Person and Entertainer.”
-Mike Sipe
“David’s energy on the dance floor is truly addictive, when you’re around him you just wanna smile and have fun. David has a charismatic personality and he truly comes alive when he is in the spotlight. My favorite part about David is truly his endless expressions and his persistence to keep everyone excited. I love going home and downloading the photos and seeing what crazy fun expressions I captured that evening!!!”
-Toni Jade
“MC David Brown is the true meaning of Pure Energy. He brings enthusiasm, talent and a non stop party atmosphere everywhere he goes. We absolutely love working with him, he plays to the camera and always has a packed dance floor. ”
-TimeLine Video Production
“David is an amazing addition to the already stellar Mike Sipe family. His upbeat personality and positive energy is infectious. David is a pleasure to work with from beginning to end and has the ability to keep everyone on the dance floor all night long. Looking forward to our next event together! ”
– Carolyns Creations